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Hit Points15
Data Value (ID)979

Randomizers are logic circuit blocks that as its name suggests will randomly output a logic signal when it receives a high signal (On).

Item Description

"This block produces random results when activated. Each time it receives any signal (true or false) it changes it’s state by a 50:50 chance."


Production Info
Produced in a Standard Factory Standard Factory.png
RequiresTo create
Alloyed Metal Mesh
Alloyed Metal Mesh.png Randomizer
Crystal Composite
Crystal Composite.png


Randomizers are a unique logic block as it is the only one whose state is intended to be unstable. When it is connected to another logic block any logic signals that the randomizer receives has a 50% chance to change the block's state. This behavior is intended to allow players to create circuits that require random outputs. Much like the Button before it, Randomizers are single block condensations of much larger and more elaborate circuits.

While a single randomizer can lower the chances of a signal being sent players can do some additional work to alter those chances even further. Connecting several randomizers to an AND-Signal will dramatically decrease the chances of a signal being outputted. This is because all connected randomizers will need to output a signal at the same time in order for the AND gate to change its state and also output a signal. On the other end of the spectrum connecting randomizers to an OR-Signal will increase the odds. The idea is the opposite of the AND gate in that as long as one randomizer is outputting a signal then the OR gate will do so also.