
From StarMade Wiki

Revision as of 05:01, 23 July 2020 by Redstonewolf (talk | contribs) (Added many many many more sections. Mod sections - and content - to come.)

Ships are the central focus of StarMade. You will never get anywhere without one. Ships are created with a Ship Core. This core acts as the center; you fly and edit it by using the core. If the core is destroyed, the ship overheats. At this point, you can salvage scrap off of it. If it is not rebooted in 45 seconds, the ship is deleted.

For an overview of basic controls, see Tutorials/Getting started. For tips on making a ship, see Ship Design.

Ship Basics

Building your ship

Build Mode

==== Advanced Build Mode

Shops and buying resources

=== Building tips


When a ship is saved to the Catalog, you can assign it one of the following classifications:

  • Miner
  • Support
  • Scavenger
  • Carrier
  • Cargo Transport
  • Attacker
  • Defender