Topic on Talk:Cannon Computer

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Base projectile speed?

Erth Paradine (talkcontribs)

With server at default settings: THRUST_SPEED_LIMIT=75 & Cannon/Speed=12.5 did you come up with 625 as the cannon's base projectile speed? If values are multiplied, shouldn't the base projectile speed be 937.5 m/s?

Crimson-Artist (talkcontribs)

I was getting the data from the weapons menu. I wasn't sure what the units were. Have you tested this?

Heillos (talkcontribs)

937.5m/s is definitely the projectile speed of Cannon projectiles (excluding Cannon/Beam, at 1,875 m/s). This is verified in the Weapon Menu ("CannonSpeed" value), as well as in the config. I am also uncertain as to where the value 625 m/s might have come from. It is a given that the unit is m/s since the weapon speed values are given as multiples of ship speed, which is already m/s.

Crimson-Artist (talkcontribs)

625 was the value that appears in the weapons menu for me. I've made sure not to change anything in my block config but its possible that that value is based on the server max speed. I keep forgetting to change my games server max speed to the new default.

Heillos (talkcontribs)

Weapon projectile speeds are the Speed multiplier stated in the blockBehaviorConfig.xml multiplied by the THRUST_SPEED_LIMIT value in server.cfg. I'd recommend either updating your server's max speed to the current default (75m/s), or just doing a bit more maths before updating weapon speed values, if you'd prefer not to change your server settings (you could just multiply the blockBehaviorConfig.xml's speed values by 75, and ignore the weapon menu value, or divide the weapon menu values by 50, and then multiply the result by 75).