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Factions are similar to guilds or clans of other games where players can invite and recruit members into a group. This group will share the alliances and enemies of the Faction. Factions can be at war with one another, causing players in those Factions to appear as enemies. There are also two NPC factions: Pirates and the Trading Guild. The faction menu can be opened with Error: Unknown keybinding.

Faction Properties

There are many benefits of having Factions. Working together to achieve common goals is a large benefit, but there are features that Factions provide which also enhance the game experience.

Homebase invulnerability 
The faction can choose one space station or planet to be their homebase. This base or planet and everything docked to it becomes invulnerable.
Resource gathering bonus 
In any system claimed by a faction, the amount of resources gathered using salvaging is greatly enhanced.
Block Permissions 
Faction Permission Modules can be used to allow access to doors, factories and other blocks, by placing them next to said block. Permissions inside a faction can be determined by using the menu in the faction block for a station, planet, or ship.

Creating A Faction

To create a new Faction, open up the Inventory screen (I). On the top of the screen there are several tabs. Click the one labeled 'Faction'. A pop-up window should appear. Next, click the tab labeled 'Options'. Under the title 'Personal Options' there is a button 'Create Faction'. Click this button. Enter the name of the faction to be created in the text area. The number of characters for the faction name is limited.

Joining A Faction

Open the Inventory screen (I). Click on the 'Faction' tab at the top of the screen. Within the pop-up window, click 'Options'. Another way to open the panel is to press the 'H' key.

Faction Relations


Faction Points


NPC Factions

There are two non-player factions in the game, Pirates and the Trading Guild. Players may not join either of these factions.


Pirates are a hostile faction in StarMade. Upon seeing the player, members of the Pirates faction will shoot on sight. On the HUD, they will appear as RED as any other hostile would. Pirates can be destroyed and their ships salvaged. The Pirates have pre-defined ships that they can pilot, however they can also use other ship blueprints if the server admin so chooses.

Trading Guild

The Trading Guild is a neutral faction which composes of all the Shops in the area as well as trader ships. Similar to Pirates, they can be found flying around space. They are friendly unless fired upon, and will become aggressive if Shops are attacked. Traders and Pirates will fire upon one another if spotted. If you find yourself running from Pirates, looking for traders to assist in combat may prove useful.