Jump Drive Computer
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Jump Drive Computer | |
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Hit Points | 50 |
Armor | 0.0% |
Mass | 0.10 |
Luminosity | none |
Data Value (ID) | 544 |
Jump Drives are the ship borne variants of Warp Gates. Installing them on a ship will allow you to traverse up to 8 sectors at once.
Item Description
"Jump Drives are the portable version of structures that enable players to warp. You can put them on a ship, charge them up, and instantly travel up to 8 sectors. The destination to jump can be influenced in two ways. Either you jump in the direction you were looking at when engaging the jump drive, or you can use a more precise method. Entering a waypoint in the navigation panel will enable you to jump towards it no matter in which direction you look. It even puts you directly at your waypoint sector if it is fewer than 8 sectors away. Jump Drives can be placed like any other weapon or effect. They will appear in the weapon panel to put in the hotbar for use. Keep in mind that there is a sweet spot for jump Drive modules. You can build them as small as you want, but they will take much longer to charge the up. Placing more blocks than the sweet spot will make charging even faster, if you want a specialized jump ship. But keep the escalating power costs in mind. To charge, you have to hold the left mouse button like shooting a weapon. After it is charged, you can press right click to jump. The mechanic to actively have to charge up the Jump Drive is in place to make it more dangerous to use in battle. The drive has a small 10 second cooldown after jumps. But be warned, changing the blocks on a jump drive will reset the charge immediately. The charge will also be reset if hit, so make sure you are safe before starting to charge up (you can still of course do it while flying)."
Production Info | |||||
Produced in a | Standard Factory | ![]() |
Requires | To create | ||||
Macet Capsule | x500 |
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Jump Drive Computer | x1 |
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Crystal Composite | x1000 |
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Primary Module | |
Jump Drive Module | |
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Primary Fire Left Click |
Secondary Fire Right Click |
Charge Drive (Hold) |
Activate Jump (Once fully charged) |
Jump drives are placed like any other weapon or effect. They appear in the weapon panel to put in the hotbar for use. The Jump Drive Computer works in conjunction with Jump Drive Modules. To charge, hold the left mouse button like shooting a weapon. After it is charged, press right click to jump. The mechanic to actively have to charge up the Jump Drive is in place to make it more dangerous to use in battle. The drive has a 10 second cool-down after jumps. Moving the Jump Drive Computer resets the charge immediately. The charge will also be reset if hit, so make sure you are safe before starting to charge up (you can still of course do it while flying).
Jump destination can be set in two ways:
- Either you jump in the direction you were looking at when engaging the jump drive, or
- You can enter a waypoint in the navigation panel. It will make you jump towards it, no matter in which direction you look. It even puts you directly at your waypoint sector if it is fewer than 8 sectors away.
As well as the tools above, the formulas themselves are listed below, should players wish to calculate something with these. Players should take care that the value R has been correctly calculated, as this could otherwise lead to the use of the wrong formula for E.
LEGEND R Required number of Jump Drive Modules for an 'ideal' J:M ratio
EG Total power required when J>R
EE Total power required when J=R
EL Total power required when J<R
J Number of Jump Drive Modules
M Total mass of ship (including docked entities)
P Power usage per second
T Charge time (seconds)
A Arbitrary value used in calculating EL
NOTE: There are 3 separate formulas for calculating E, the total power which must be put into a jump drive system to fully charge it. Which formula should be used is determined by the relationship between R and J.
R = M * 0.5 (Round up to the nearest whole number)
If J>R, the formula below will give EG.
EG = 230000 + 1200 * R + (J - R)
If J=R, the formula for EE is
EE = 230000 + 1200 * R
If J<R, the following formula is used to find EL. The value A is an arbitrary value which is found by A = 50 - 100 * (J / M)
EL = (-0.24 * M) * A2 + 4600 * A + (230000 + 1200 * R)
The power usage per second (while charging) of a given Jump Drive system can be calculated by the formula below. Note that the value given by this formula is correct, whereas the "Power Usage for charge (/sec)" value displayed in the weapons menu interface of a Jump Drive Computer is, in fact, incorrect. This formula calculates that value first, and then corrects it by dividing it by J.
P = 10000 + 50J
Finally, the charge time of a given Jump Drive system is given by this formula. It should be ensured that the value E was calculated using the appropriate formula.
T = E / P
Tips A ship can be equipped with multiple Jump Drive systems, each of which can hold charge at the same time as the others. This enables one Jump Drive system to be activated immediately after another finishes its jump. This could allow a ship to rapidly travel great distances when needed, for example, to escape danger, or rapidly arrive at a far-off fight to surprise the enemy. A Jump Drive system can be charged and activated without causing a ship's Cloaker or RadarJammer modules to deactivate.