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This page is a basic overview of factories, what they do, and a general description of what each one makes. For a list of factories, see Category:Factory. To see a specific factory in detail, click on the header for that factory.
Factories are blocks that manufacture resources to automatically. You can chain them to make automatic factories (which turn raw ore into a resource) or auto-shipyards (which uses raw ore to build a ship).
It should be noted that all factory types can only be placed on stations.
[hide]Types of factories
Capsule Refinery
Capsule Refineries are one of the most important factories, allowing you to create the Capsules that are needed in most factory recipes.
Micro Assembler
Micro Assemblers are simple factories. They make Metal Mesh and Crystal Composites, two useful resources for crafting. They can also convert Scrap Alloy and Scrap Composites to their usable counterparts.
Basic Factory
The basic factory is a lower-level factory capable of making simple items. It is also capable of making Basic Armor blocks, making it invaluable early on if you are not using Creative Mode and need a quick way of getting armor (other than buying it).
Standard Factory
Standard Factories are good for making medium-tied resources, and are also able to make Standard Armor blocks. through the combination of Standard Hardener and any Basic Armor block. Best combined with Basic Factories to create Standard Armor.
Advanced Factory
This is the most advanced of the Factories. Advanced Factories can make the higher-tier items, as well as upgrade Standard Armor into Advanced Armor via Advanced Hardener.
Factory Enhancer
The Factory Enhancer is not a factory; rather, it increases the items made per cycle by one. They consume power, however, so keep that in mind when using them.
Uses for factories
Below are some uses for factory blocks:
If you put factories in a chain, you can produce ships automatically just by supplying raw materials.
Automatic Shops
Shops have auto-pull as well, so you can set up a chain where you can automatically get a profit. Simply have a storage drawing needed items from the shop, place a factory/some factories that draw from that storage, and make the shop draw the finished product from the factory. You can test it out by putting a material in; your storage will give it to the factory, and the output will be put up for sale at your listed price.
Hands-free shipyard
If you are willing to deposit a lot of credits, you can combine the above two to create a shipyard that buys its own supplies! Although, as said just before, you need to deposit a lot in order to afford items, it is good for mass-producing ships if you don’t want to mine and/or don’t want to micromanage the shipyard very much.
Repair drone restock station
If you have a small ship that uses Astrotech systems, you probably gave it storage. You can create a simple recharge station by placing factories and tying it to a Rail Load. Then, when the repair ship docks there, it is automatically loaded with supplies to keep repairing.
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