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Removing shapes from the list

Removing shapes from the list

MeRobo (talkcontribs)

Removing shapes from the list

With 0.199.432 the shapes, which can be acquired via "/giveid", can no longer be placed, they behave like the slabs now (which don't appear in the list). This is why I suggest removing the shapes from the list and maybe mention them in the beginning sentence instead (where the slab IDs are mentioned).
If this is something we want to do, I'd be willing to do so, maybe waiting a bit (next weekend?) so everybody who hasn't updated yet doesn't have to deal with an ID list with very limited use.
BTW, it would be nice if the topic name was visible without marking it.

SgSkallagrim (talkcontribs)

The ids are still in use in the blueprints and useful for external blueprint editors. Maybe just a note that '/giveid' does not work on those, or move shaped blocks to a separate page? Or is something like a 'spoiler' box possible to hide them?

MeRobo (talkcontribs)

That would be a possibility too. Are the slab IDs needed for this as well (because right now it only states which IDs are used for slabs, but not which ID gives which slab)?
I think having one table for all hull blocks with four columns (Basic, Standard, Advanced, Crystal) and then a spoiler with all the shapes and the corresponding IDs could work.

SgSkallagrim (talkcontribs)

For completeness the slabs would also be nice to have. Using four columns sound good. This is a lot of work, I hope a script will be used to write all tables? I would write one but my workload is full.

MeRobo (talkcontribs)

I can do it, I have the time, will do it this week.

MeRobo (talkcontribs)

Oh, I forgot something, is there a way to have spoilers (because I didn't find it on the help page)?

MeRobo (talkcontribs)

So this would be my suggestion for the block only list, if there is a possibility to get the shapes into a spoiler

ID Basic ID Standard ID Advanced ID Crystal
598 Grey Hull 5 Grey Standard Armor 263 Grey Advanced Armor
603 Black Hull 75 Black Standard Armor 264 Black Advanced Armor 593 Black Crystal Armor
608 White Hull 81 White Standard Armor 271 White Advanced Armor 507 White Crystal Armor
613 Purple Hull 69 Purple Standard Armor 266 Purple Advanced Armor 537 Purple Crystal Armor
618 Blue Hull 77 Blue Standard Armor 267 Blue Advanced Armor 532 Blue Crystal Armor
623 Green Hull 78 Green Standard Armor 268 Green Advanced Armor 527 Green Crystal Armor
628 Yellow Hull 79 Yellow Standard Armor 270 Yellow Advanced Armor 522 Yellow Crystal Armor
633 Orange Hull 426 Orange Standard Armor 431 Orange Advanced Armor 517 Orange Crystal Armor
638 Red Hull 76 Red Standard Armor 265 Red Advanced Armor 512 Red Crystal Armor
643 Brown Hull 70 Brown Standard Armor 269 Brown Advanced Armor 690 Brown Crystal Armor
828 Dark Grey Hull 818 Dark Grey Standard Armor 823 Dark Grey Advanced Armor
878 Teal Hull 868 Teal Standard Armor 873 Teal Advanced Armor 883 Teal Crystal Armor
912 Pink Hull 902 Pink Standard Armor 907 Pink Advanced Armor 917 Pink Crystal Armor
63 Glass
436 Yellow Hazard Armor
438 Green Hazard Armor
Crimson-Artist (talkcontribs)

i think that works. although Im not sure if there is a spoiler equivalent on the wiki. i can ask duke.

Crimson-Artist (talkcontribs)

I can work on that. I have time this weekend. didnt know that all non cube shapes were given the slab treatment.

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